
Friday, 15 October 2010

It's Halloween!

Prepare for theme month number 3 - Halloween!

For the remainder of this month we will do our best to bring you reviews of the spooky, the scary, the gory and the weird of the comics world.  I can promise you a minimum of zombies, otherworldly dimensions, vampires and replicating schoolchildren.

To whet your appetite, here's a roundup of the Halloween esque collections we have reviewed previously:

Death: The Time of Your Life - Because what Halloween celebration is complete without at least some reference to the personification of dying?
Boneyard - Man inherits a graveyard, graveyard comes with a vampire, walking skeleton, werewolf, demon and witch.
The Witching Hour - Five witches inhabit the mortal world of New York, seeking to enact justice and grant wishes.
Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things - An all ages story about little Courtney, brought to live in a weird old house, she starts to discover the night things and a world of magic.
Creatures of the Night  - Two chilling stories from the master writer of weird, Neil Gaiman.  A perfect present for the gothically inclined in your life.
Tales of the Slayers - Because vampires are a staple of the horror genre.
Dubious Tales - It's a romance with supernatural elements thrown in.
Scary Go Round - Set in Tackleford, Yorkshire, this town contains a satanic nunnery, goblins, creepy children and zombies.
We3 - Three animals are turned into killing machines, blood flows forth.  If this was a film it would be a gory slasher flick.

And remember, if you like any of these books click on the artist or writer's name on the tags and find out more books by them.

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