
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Seen the movie? Read the comic: Captain America

I was recently re-watching the film Captain America: The First Avenger.  This led to me thinking about what comics would make a good read following the film.  So without further ado, here are some suggestions.

American Captain webcomic
This is not an official Marvel comic; rather it is fanfiction, based in the Marvel film universe and following on from the Avengers film.  The premise is that Steve Rogers, Captain America, is keeping a diary comic.  In comic canon, Steve went to art school and drew comics before enlisting in the army.  This was referenced in just one scene in the Cap'n A movie, and so holds true for this fan fiction.

This webcomic isn't a comedy, it's deadly serious.  When the creator, Robyn, is asked why would Steve draw a comic like this, he states that:

My feeling is that having to come to terms with 70 years of comics history (and everything else) would make you a prime candidate for feeling the kind of dislocation and awkwardness autobio comics have traditionally showcased.  My headcanon is that he doodles them in his sketchbook when he’s not sketching.

The drawings are really simple, but instantly recognisable as the actors.  Included are the Captain, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, and Nick Fury.   The comics portray an introspective Captain who is finding it really hard to come to terms with the fact that he's been asleep for 70 years and his whole world has changed.  He finds modern technology difficult and political discussions with teammates turn awkward - Russian/American history for example.

Culturally and aesthetically, the whole world has changed, and he has a touch of post traumatic stress disorder.  As he's from the 1940s he's not very good at talking about his feelings and he doesn't really get modern relationships.  Poor soul.

At the time of writing there  are only 7 pages of comics so  it's dead easy to get caught up on.  This comic has made me really appreciate and warm to Captain America.  I like him well enough in the films, but in the comics I've often found him a caricature of the patriotic tough guy.  Not so this version.  It's really, really great.  Start from the first one.

I then asked Twitter for other Captain America recommendations, specifically for ones that fit with the movie version who I described as a nice guy who isn't in it for the killing, has an iron-bound sense of duty, and doesn't like bullies.

They came up with the following:
Captain America: Man out of Time written by Mark Waid and drawn by Jorge Molina.  Mark Waid is a very underrated writer so I'd be willing to bet that this is pretty good.  In fact, I've just gone and ordered a used version of it from Amazon. @LeeHiley recommended this.

Captain America: Patriot written by Mitch Breitweiser and drawn by Karl Kesel.  Kesel is a great artist so you know this will at the very least look good.  Thanks to @mijder for this suggestion.

Captain America: War and Rememberance written and drawn by John Byrne amongst others.  Byrne is another very highly regarded creator.  Thanks to @notintheface1 and @Leehiley for recommending this and for helping me find it.

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is not a comic but a cartoon, and is showing on the UK's ITV channel on weekday mornings.  Thanks to @reynardcity for this recc.

As for ongoing comics, @tnphilpott says the current Captain America series is meant to be good.  Marvel's website has more information about it and you can read samples.

Then there's the upcoming Captain America second film, subtitled 'Winter Soldier'.  Yep, it is based on a comic named Winter Soldier.  Try it out.

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